Expressing Gratitude (#3)

あざーす azaasu is a word that is a crude abbreviation of ありがとうございます arigato-gozaimasu (thank you so much).

It is often used by young people in sports clubs.

Moreover, it is recognized as a term frequently employed by Hiroya Yamazaki of the comedy duo Untouchable and has even been featured in the title of a TV show.

Use with Careful Consideration

The meaning is nearly identical to ありがとうございます, but its sound lacks elegance, potentially making it offensive in situations where politeness is necessary.

Some people even regard あざーす as a vulgar term, so using it without regard for the other person's feelings can be perceived as impolite.

Inappropriately using it may not only fail to convey your gratitude but could also cause offense.

Therefore, individuals who aren't adept at understanding the nuances of Japanese should refrain from using this word with someone they've never met.

A Similar Word あざざます azazamasu

あざざます is another variant of ありがとうございます and is used in a line spoken by Anya Forger in the anime Spy X Family.

In this context, it isn't a straightforward abbreviation but rather represents a young child who's just learning to speak and struggles to pronounce ありがとうございます correctly.

Alternatively, it might be used to emphasize the mischievous character of the young child.
